Yoga pour maigrir

Yoga to lose weight, what are the techniques to...

Yoga, this millennial practice originating in India, is much more than a simple physical activity. Indeed, it can be an effective ally for those who wish to lose weight in...

Yoga to lose weight, what are the techniques to...

Yoga, this millennial practice originating in India, is much more than a simple physical activity. Indeed, it can be an effective ally for those who wish to lose weight in...

Les bienfaits insoupçonnés du yoga pour votre bien-être

What are the unsuspected benefits of yoga for y...

Yoga, an age-old discipline, has become a must for improving physical and mental health. Beyond the postures, this holistic practice encompasses meditation, breathing and relaxation, offering many unsuspected benefits for...

What are the unsuspected benefits of yoga for y...

Yoga, an age-old discipline, has become a must for improving physical and mental health. Beyond the postures, this holistic practice encompasses meditation, breathing and relaxation, offering many unsuspected benefits for...

yoga vinyasa

Everything you need to know about Vinyasa yoga

Introduction Want to start yoga but not sure which type will suit you best? Do you want to wake up your muscles and tone your body without getting bored? Vinyasa...

Everything you need to know about Vinyasa yoga

Introduction Want to start yoga but not sure which type will suit you best? Do you want to wake up your muscles and tone your body without getting bored? Vinyasa...

Yoga Kundalini

Kundalini Yoga: yoga of the awakening of consci...

Introduction Considered as "mother of all yogas", Kundalini yoga is an exception, it is a discipline developed from the most effective yoga postures. Combining modernity and traditional values, this type...

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Kundalini Yoga: yoga of the awakening of consci...

Introduction Considered as "mother of all yogas", Kundalini yoga is an exception, it is a discipline developed from the most effective yoga postures. Combining modernity and traditional values, this type...

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posture yoga iyengar

All about Iyengar Yoga

Introduction : We are often faced with several different yoga class offers, whose names are exotic and aim to attract practitioners fascinated by approaches reminiscent of a fitness class. Each...


All about Iyengar Yoga

Introduction : We are often faced with several different yoga class offers, whose names are exotic and aim to attract practitioners fascinated by approaches reminiscent of a fitness class. Each...

Yoga ashtanga

Ashtanga Yoga: Resting the body and mind

Introduction : Yoga is considered as “a way of liberation” which leads to the famous letting go. Plunged between work, family and daily tasks, the individual does not find the...

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Ashtanga Yoga: Resting the body and mind

Introduction : Yoga is considered as “a way of liberation” which leads to the famous letting go. Plunged between work, family and daily tasks, the individual does not find the...

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Our yoga mats

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